About Us

Bernicia was formed in 2008 as the parent company for its two subsidiary housing association’s Cheviot and Wansbeck Homes, and its commercial company KPS. In 2016 Bernicia merged with the Four Housing Group, bringing two further housing associations, Three Rivers and Berwick into the group.
In 2017 we simplified our group structure, with the four operational subsidiaries and the group parent now combined into a single, strong regional housing association, creating the ideal organisational structure to support the delivery of our new ambitious corporate strategy.
The amalgamation of our group structure has generated significant savings that have further increased our financial resilience and capacity to fund growth. We will be putting our financial capacity, skills and expertise to work to deliver more value for the communities of the North East.
Bernicia now owns and manages over 14,000 properties, and is constantly developing new homes across a range of property types and tenures. We provide housing and services for single people, couples, families and older residents and for people who need a bit more support to enjoy the independence of living in their own home.
We directly employ almost 550 people and recognise that our staff have, and will, continue to be central to our success as a dynamic, modern and forward thinking organisation.
Our social housing activities are managed through our modern offices in Berwick, Ashington, and Durham and are underpinned by our continued investment in technology and staff development and training.
Our two commercial trading companies operate from our Newcastle offices;
Kingston Property Services (KPS) provides property and block management, estate services and facilities management to the private residential and commercial sectors.
Livingspaces UK Limited provides services and advice relating to property development, sales and the residential private rented sector.
Our social and commercial companies are high performing businesses and provide a solid foundation for future growth. Development of the Group has brought financial strength and an even greater ability to invest in our staff, systems and services; meaning we go forward as a strong business well positioned to meet the opportunities and challenges ahead.
The Bernicia Group is governed by a single board, chaired by Bill Worth. Bill is supported by professional and skilled Board members who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to direct and oversee the success of Bernicia.
In summary we are a North East Housing Association that believes in great homes and services, we have ambitious plans, an experience and skilled board and great staff who really care about what they do.